Azure Infrastructure as Code - 2 - Deploying the rest

1 - Intro 2 - Deploying the rest Deploying the rest of the platform landing zone Now that we’ve some code showing infrastructure changes and deploying, lets extend it to include the rest of the core ALZ resources. You can follow along with the code in the repo. The below is written chronologically but you’ll be looking at the completed version of the code. It should still be understandable. [Read More]
Azure  DevOps  IaC 

Azure Infrastructure as Code - 1 - Intro

1 - Intro 2 - Deploying the rest Series Overview Say you’re an organisation who’s started their cloud journey, but hasn’t fully dove (doven? dove’st?) in. You’ve got some solid business reasons that mean you now need to lean into it. You know you want to do it properly - you want to move to Infrastructure as Code and set up a modern architecture that will grow with you. [Read More]
Azure  DevOps  IaC